Social Networking Headshots

All popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others have profile images that are meant to present a friendly face to visitors of your profile.  You can use your standard corporate headshot but why not make it more personal and friendly by doing something different.  Your social networking presence doesn’t have to be cookie-cutter and can include things such as environmental portraits taken in a natural outdoor setting.

It’s quick, low cost and the results will speak for themselves.

Social Networking Headshots (3 Looks)

  • This package covers a shoot up to two hours
  • Three retouched images in web resolution
  • Rectangle, square and round crops to match most social network profile requirements

Social Networking Headshots (2 Looks)

  • This package covers a shoot up to one hour
  • Two retouched images in web resolution
  • Rectangle, square and round crops to match most social network profile requirements

Contact NYC Photo Studio to get the social media headshots that people are going to love!