Learn how to choose a niche that will allow you to create work you love, how to discover what clients you want to work more with, and how to devise a plan for reaching those very same customers.

Learn how to choose a niche that will allow you to create work you love, how to discover what clients you want to work more with, and how to devise a plan for reaching those very same customers.
Wow, you finally got that new online dating profile up but, after several weeks, you still have no real leads? First thing you probably do is rewrite the text content over… and over… and over again. Finally, you give up and think that maybe online dating is a fluke. Before […]
You want to make your casting director happy? You want to improve your chances of getting called in for the perfect part? Then you have to make your casting director happy. And there are a few ways to do that. As an actor (or actress), you have three main tools […]
I had the chance a few weeks ago to create a Tiye Phoenix Twin Flame BTS video with Tiye Phoenix and a good friend of mine named Harry Sando. Harry was directing Tiye’s music video for her new single titled “Twin Flame” and I came along to do some BTS […]
Whenever a project is commissioned, there are three options that all clients and the team being commissioned must face. Those three options are Good, Fast and Cheap, and for any project, clients are (indirectly) guided to choose any two. For the fancy-dancy educated, it’s called the Project Management Triangle. For us […]
I’ve recently had the chance to work with Pamela D. on some beauty / portrait shots that she was looking to add to her portfolio. First of all, Pamela is a Ghanaian model that currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. She is going to school to be a dentist and there’s nothing […]
Do you have some acting talent that you think the world needs to know about? Can you rub your head and pat your stomach all while reading your lines blindfolded. Well, it’s almost a new year so it’s time to refine a couple of services that we have offer. Our […]
Photo Session with… Taiyona M. I had a chance to do a photo session with Taiyona M. of Indianapolis and thought that I would post up three of her best images from the session. Tai wanted some images that showed her in a different light than what was typically available from […]
It’s been a busy year with a lot of changes and new adventures but I’ve finally found the time to finish something that I’ve been putting on the backburner for the last couple of months. As a photographer and cinematographer, it’s important to keep my portfolio and reels up-to-date because I […]
I recently had the chance to complete a cover shoot for a book that’s coming out soon. While I can’t give many details about the shoot or the client until after the publishing date, I have been allowed to show you some images from the shoot. All images from the […]
I love doing repeat live music video work from my music clients because it gives me a chance to start to learn the musical routines and mannerisms of each artist and allows me to create a better video each time I shoot with them. This is my fourth live music […]
The entire team at NYC Photo Studio would like to wish everyone a very Happy Holidays. No matter where you are or what you might be doing this moment, take the time today to enjoy your families and to enjoy yourselves. It’s been a very constructive yet challenging 12 months […]
This is my first time teaming up with Indianapolis-based Mary E. Nicholson School (IPS #70) and their Nicholson Performing Arts Academy for their amazing Winter Wonderland program and I can’t wait until next year’s program comes around. There was an evening full of face painting, musical solos, dance and drama performances, […]
In addition to the new website that I mentioned in this blog posting, I forgot a few things that I needed to mention for RSS readers. Over the next few days, I will start migrating my blog posts from Blogger to right here. That means a few issues might come […]
Starting today, NYC Photo Studio is going to have a new look. I been using the same website design for the last year or so and thought that for 2015 I would spruce things up a bit and make it more welcome at nycphotostudio.com. Although there has been dozens of […]
My team and I had the pleasure of photographing Janet and Nikko’s engagement portraits and I couldn’t wait to get the chance to post the images online. Janet and Nikko were hilarious (in an adorable way) and had me and my team cracking up the whole time we were shooting. Janet […]
I have a special surprise for Indianapolis fans of Neo-Soul…. how does a Bashiri Asad live music video sound to you? I had the chance to shoot a live performance show for Bashiri of Indianapolis and Aryk Crowder of Chicago recently and wanted to share the footage with everyone. The […]
With my busy schedule, it seems as if I never have the time to just slow down and take a deep breath for a minute. With that in mind, I jumped at the chance to recently walk around downtown Indianapolis with another fellow photographer and just capture whatever caught my […]
First, I would like to wish everyone a “Happy New Years”. It’s that time of the year when we all look back and reflect on the things that we have completed and the things that we have yet to finish. I look at where I am now and although I […]
One of the most important things for you to learn, as an actor/actress, is what your type is. Think of it more this way. You are a business brand and people expect certain things from that brand. Just like Coca-Cola (randomly selected since it’s what I’m drinking at the moment). People […]
I had the chance to shoot again with one of my favorite repeat clients named Shalini K. Shalini is a Manhattan-based dancer and actress and she needed some updated images to send off for a long-distance casting call. She was practicing at a Dance Manhattan, which is located near […]
A couple of weeks back, I was asked by a good friend of mine named Glen Graham if I would be interested in shooting the music video BTS or behind the scenes video and stills for a Harlem-based rapper named Skuuta. After listening to a couple of his tracks and watching […]
Don’t you love it when you do a Google search for yourself and you find things online that you didn’t even know were out there? I came across a BTS video shot by Teya Beradze during our jewelry shoot and edited by Shota Bobokhidze. I just thought that I would […]
I had some free time today so while I was making some website updates, I thought I would upload a promo video that I had been sitting on for a while. This video is a BTS shoot with Julian from Julian Newman Photography and Darrell of Top Flight Model Elite […]
How true!! You have got to love NYC’s rather biting sense of humor. Enjoy your day and remember NYC Photo Studio for your next assignment!!
When clients come in to rent the studio, I like to do a write on them and how the experience went. This time I had the chance to do write up on one of our studio regulars named Mark Nicholson. Besides having a great first name (in fact… it’s an […]
While reviewing the particulars of a client proposal that was sent to me a few days ago, I started thinking about something that has been coming up more and more in the proposals and talks I’ve been having lately. I’m starting to realize that for a lot of clients (and […]