New Blog Website For 2015

In addition to the new website that I mentioned in this blog posting, I forgot a few things that I needed to mention for RSS readers. Over the next few days, I will start migrating my blog posts from Blogger to right here.  That means a few issues might come […]

Cinematographer Reel for 2015

It’s been a busy year with a lot of changes and new adventures but I’ve finally found the time to finish something that I’ve been putting on the backburner for the last couple of months. As a photographer and cinematographer, it’s important to keep my portfolio and reels up-to-date because I […]

Teya Jewelry Video BTS

Don’t you love it when you do a Google search for yourself and you find things online that you didn’t even know were out there? I came across a BTS video shot by Teya Beradze during our jewelry shoot and edited by Shota Bobokhidze.  I just thought that I would […]

Take Time to (Photo)Walk!

With my busy schedule, it seems as if I never have the time to just slow down and take a deep breath for a minute. With that in mind, I jumped at the chance to recently walk around downtown Indianapolis with another fellow photographer and just capture whatever caught my […]